AMR kills 33,000 Europeans every year (Lancet)
Anti-microbial resistance (AMR) is a clear and present danger
The rise of AMR has been accelerating the past years. This has been proven by many research studies and governmental Initiatives. A recent article published in The Lancet on November 5th 2018 states that as many 33,000 Europeans die every year from AMR related bacterial infections. This elevates the disease burden to be on par with the combined deaths of influenza, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
The study furthermore states that a majority of the infections and deaths are associated with the healthcare system, which is a major challenge for public health.
“We estimated that 63.5% (426,277 of 671,689) of cases of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria were associated with health care, resulting in 72.4% (23,976 of 33,110) of attributable deaths and 74.9% (127 of 180) of DALYs* per 100,000 population. This finding suggests that the health effects of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria predominantly occur in hospitals and other health-care settings.”
Learn more about the report here:
Less bacteria in the air means less risk for infections – Opragon case
The new Lancet article is only one in a long line of studies that point to the importance of ultra-clean air in operating rooms as a means of reducing the risk of Surgical Site Infections (SSIs), since high bacteria levels in the air during surgery is one of the leading causes of SSIs. (
Avidicare works with the mission “Towards Zero Infections” which summarises our aim to eliminate the risk of Surgical Site Infections (SSI) within the healthcare system. The Avidicare Opragon system has a scientifically proven capability to lower airbone bacteria levels during surgery, and with antibiotics being less and less effective, this capability will increase in importance. Since when antibiotics fail to treat the infection, it will be more important than ever that the bacteria do not enter the wound in the first place. It is also important to combine ultra-clean air with modern hygienic protocol and antibiotics.
Learn more on how Avidicare can help you fight SSI and join us in our mission on
*Disability Adjusted Life Years – DALY