Antibiotic resistance scares mighty G20 countries
The powerful G20 countries for the first time ever gathered their ministers of health last week. Representing two thirds of the world’s population and 85% of the global economy, the ministers agreed to develop national action plans to stop antibiotic resistance. The meeting was initiated by Germany and global health is from now on a constant on the G20 agenda.
“Antibiotics are one of the most important achievements of modern medicine in the fight against infectious diseases and when it comes to safeguarding surgical procedures. Our ability to fight bacterial infections is, however, increasingly being placed in jeopardy or even becoming impossible due to the global rise in especially dangerous pathogens. If we do not act now, together and across the world, we are heading for a post-antibiotic era. And that will have dramatic consequences for us all.” [German Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe]
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